100 Miles Fitness Challenge

Saturday, May 1, 2010

100 Miles FItness round 2

The second round started at the beginning of April. I am so excited, I have 23 miles in!!!! YOO YES!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Madly in LOVE with ME Day Feb 13

Madly In Love With Me Day is Feb 13!I saw this over on Curvy girls blog! This is the best message and idea I've seen in a while!
Love yourself! Man, why is that so hard to do sometimes?

I've copied the manifesta from the campaign. http://www.madlyinlovewithme.com/index.htm

Love is a practice.

Start by practicing it on yourself.

February 13th

Madly in Love with ME Day

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Red & Purple

My writing muse, Blue, has been on hiatus for quite some time, since November actually. After National Novel Writing Month and 80,000 words- I guess she deserved a break. However, today she decided to pay a quick scattered visit.

Red & Purple Musing by JLD 2010

Sometimes I feel like a big star. A red dress, purple black lace. I want to prance and sing sultry words over a blazing crowd of fawning men. I want to make their hearts swoon like lovesick calves.

Sometimes I want to dress my self up in red lips red nails and a hot red dress cocktail length and flashy. A deep v neck and a halter back in flowing organza or charmeuse and sing at the top of my lungs before thousands. I want to spread my arms open wide and shout in a mellifluous chorus about the joys and pain and sorrow of life and love and the boy next door who sits on top of the roof at midnight to watch the stars go by through a telescope that his father gave him when he was a little boy two days before he died in a car crash.

Sometimes I want to paint my entire body red, red and black make my eyebrows points make my eye lids winged. Past on wild drag queen eye lashes upside down and fluttered them into the center of a gilded mirror. My hair would be raven wing black with curls to my waist. It would be full and monstrous, silken Medusa in fire engine red with black accents. Hell's daughter, in a leather black dress with leather lace up fingerless gloves. They'd cover my elbows . Then silver trimmed wisps would flutter a hint of softness in a red black mad world of paint and leather and gorgeously sinful hair.

Sometimes I want to dress from head to toe in purple. Deep royal like a majestic queen- violet. I want to swaddle myself in the folds and richness of Egyptian cotton trimmed in golden threads patterned after weaves and brocades and heavy adornment of the ancient courts. I want to keep myself in purple. Purple violet indigo. Slipped through with mighty swords of golden wonders. My hair would be gold. Deep and rich. It would shine like heaven's floors in the African sun. My skin would darken to violet. Red undercurrents would blush across cheek and nose bridge. My lips would be full and lush like grapes at harvest. The sweet nectar tempting to the bush man and royal king alike. My eyes would be golden with centers of amethyst. They too would shine deep and bright in moonlight or sun.

Sometimes I dream of red and purple clothing me entirely in fantastic dreams.

Only to wake to pale grey winter and pallid hoary sorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have so not been good with the exercise since Thursday or Friday. I have yet to workout and it's been 4 days! I have to get back on it tomorrow or I will not make the 100 miles fitness challenge. I have to! Just a personal goal! HAve to!

Anyway, I did do something wonderful today after recovering from a migraine! I made a new ring! A totally new design that love! It reminds me of something from the Tudors. part of a crown or something. It makes me happybecause I haven't made anythign in a while.

The spark came from doing Abby Hook's Pyraid tut. I made it. Then today I felt like getting out some more wire and just playing with rings. The result is fabulous if I do say so myself! LOVE IT!!! Here are some photos!

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8-

The best thing about being a teacher is snow days. Sure the whole ah ha moment when kids actually get something is wonderful, but it happens so rarely and parents and admin suck that fleeting joy away QUICKLY! But a good snow day- that is a soul restorer!

I slept in late. Woke up. Got in an hour yoga workout. Straightened up the apartment a tad (granted not much). I've restrung a necklace for a customer. I've been on FB twice. Changed my 100 Miles fiteness challenge ticker. I had breakfast and a snack. I watched The Mask of Zorro again and now The Two Towers is in the DVD player. Snow days are like surprised Christmas gifts that you find two weeks later behind the couch or under a tossed-aside sweater!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

I It's January 2, 2010. It still shocks me that it's 2010! Craziness.
I did a 2 mile workout today. that puts me at 4/100 miles.

I'm still searching the net for other challenges to under take this year. Maybe if I keep myself busy, I'll feel better, I'll grow, I'll shrink.

I also took some time to edit my novel anthology for NANO. Man, it is going to take FOREVER!

Friday, January 1, 2010

My first 100 miles Challenge

I joined 100 Miles Challenge today! it was the first I'd ever heard of it! However, I am thrilled to try it!
I did my 1st 2 miles today after not having worked out in AGES!!!!!! Yeah me!
